About Us

Cocker spaniel and "Fluffo"

The goal of ProDiet has always been simple: to provide dog food that protects the health and life of your pet.
At its beginning in 1980, ProDiet founders and kennel-owners, Stanley and Frances Crume, wanted to ensure that their dogs were eating a natural food containing high-quality ingredients. The foods they had been feeding were not very good and had to be supplemented with other ingredients to get the results they wanted. So they decided to make their own.
Stan had a small feed plant and started experimenting. He worked with universities and nutritionists and did his best to make an all-natural food that would keep dogs healthy and have a nice shiny coat. The cost was not a concern. He wanted the very best food he could make for their dogs.
After testing many recipes, they settled on a very unique formula, which contained only the best natural ingredients to provide holistic nutrition, and called it ProDiet.
They knew it was a really good food because all the dogs were very healthy, active and looked great with nice shiny coats. It wasn’t until several years later when they realized just how good it really is.
During the past 35 years, the life expectancy of our dogs has risen from 9 or 10 years to about 15 years; and there has not been one dog with a serious health problem in over 25 years. In fact, other than the regular preventatives (vaccinations and wormings), the cost for health care is basically zero.
Our dogs at ProDiet do not get treats or anything else that contains artificial preservatives. We take special care to keep our dogs away from lawn and field sprays because some of them contain ingredients that may cause cancer.
ProDiet now has a variety of natural formulations and they have proven to be a top choice for breeders, family pets, show dogs and sporting dogs alike.
The Crume family realizes the importance these nutritous foods can have on the lives of all dogs. We are pleased to make them available to everyone who really cares about the health of their best friend.